Monday, April 25, 2016

Interesting Features for PWN for 4/24/2016

Laura Vanderkam, author of “I know How She Does It,” “168 Hours,” and “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast “put together an interesting list of “the 9 Secrets the Most Productive People Know” in motto. She based these secrets on time diaries she collected from 133 women who met two conditions: earned over $100,000 a year and had at least one child living at home. Among these secrets is “take life one week-not one day-at a time” and try to achieve work-life balance within the week, not per day.

Creative write and communications professional Mika Doyle wrote an interesting article in “Fat Wallet” that addresses explicit and implicit gender biases currently present and how we can try to make a difference in the lives of women starting at a young age. The article addresses the fact that women are greatly underrepresented in STEM fields and that this problem is actually starting at a very young age. While women make up half of the workforce, they are underrepresented in STEM fields, making up only 26%. This article also includes informative infographics.

Business writer Vivian Giang put together an interesting article on Fast Company on the benefits of switching jobs frequently. This article points out the positives to changing jobs and the notion that the learning curve “flattens after three years.” But, it is important to note that the exception to this is academia.