Thursday, March 1, 2018

Interesting articles from March 2018:

Science’s Sex Problem Is Getting Harder to Ignore
At the hearing, Republican Rep. Randy Hultgren asked: How many women with STEM degrees don’t work in science because the culture is so hostile to women? “Unfortunately, I think it explains most of it,” replied Kate Clancy, an anthropologist at the University of Illinois who studies workplaces in the sciences. “It’s the daily indignity of being told that you are less than.” “Then we are losing the very best and brightest,” Hultgren said. “We really do want to help. We need you. We need your brilliance and expertise. This has to stop.”

Congress takes on sexual harassment in the sciences

Why are there few women in Tech? Watch a recruiting session
New Stanford research shows how companies alienate women before they start working.

Professional Opportunities:
The Scripps Research Institute's Department of Neuroscience is hiring!
Faculty positions at any level, Tenure Track in the Department of Neuroscience