Monday, January 13, 2014

Interesting Features at PWN for 1.13.14

News from the PWN Pipeline: 

A quick-read article that summarizes 6 important management lessons from prominent women leaders of different industries. The lessons provide interesting glimpses of how these women approach members of their team and how they define their business philosophy to keep their companies successful and always moving forward. 

While a leader's overly arrogant ego can lead to the downfall of a team or a business, a healthy ego can be advantageous and effective in maintaining communication and making thoughtful decisions. This article outlines several benefits that a healthy ego in the workplace can accrue, such as developing resilience to setbacks, inspiring others on the team, and taking appropriate amounts of risk in decision-making. 

Resources for PWN members: 

Check out Women in Learning, which is a group of women researchers who offer advice and guidance to graduate students and post-docs doing research in learning, memory, behavior, and neuroscience. Membership is free, and there are many opportunities for more students and researchers to be involved in advancing women in science. 

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